a warm welcome

plasticant mobilo® – a construction toy for generations

Developed over five decades ago, plasticant mobilo® learning toys today are a valuable resource for promoting skills of pre-school children. Colourful components like cubes, squares or triangles and accessories such as wheels, figures and connectors become whole new fantasy worlds at the hand of children – playing alone or in a group.

High quality from Germany

plasticant mobilo® is appreciated by educators all over the world as a highly educational learning toy. It promotes fine motor skills and creativity, trains cognition and three-dimensional thinking, teaches team spirit and social behaviour – as a highly educational STEM toy, plasticant mobilo® is a wonderful and timeless companion for generations of kids. In the nursery, pre-school, kindergarten or at home.

plasticant mobilo®
Get to know it!

international toy fairs 2025

Visit us and find out why we are a certified pioneer for sustainability.

now bearer of the Fair Toys seal

because our concern for fair production has been officially certified

it's showtime!

Building with plasticant mobilo® is as easy as pie.

plasticant mobilo®

the main advantages

All plasticant mobilo® construction elements can be connected intuitively.

Educators the world over appreciate how quickly the children succeed in building and constructing.

It takes only a few pieces to create many exciting structures.

All elements of the first generation are 100% compatible to the ones produced now.

All elements are 100% compatible to new elements of the Eco series.

Only high-quality and tested plastic materials are used.

Sustainability in practice: the ECO series is made exclusively of recycled and regrowing plastics.

Learning and playing fun for many generations. All parts are extremely durable.

Ever fair and sustainable: plasticant mobilo® is no throw-away toy.

All elements are easy to clean – ideal for nursery school, kindergarten, play groups.

Endless possibilities:
roll them, stack them, connect them, rotate them, push or pull them, lower or lift them and much much more.

High-quality and durable: excellent price-quality ratio

plasticant mobilo® is an extremely popular STEM toy.

ECO learning toys made of
88% bio- and recycled plastics

sustainability in practice

We are particularly proud of our new ECO series with components made of bio- and recycled plastics. Combining high educational value perfectly with 100% sustainability. The ECO series makes it clear what plasticant mobilo® is about today:

Sustainable production and children playing for a better world.
This is our promise to all the generations of today and all of those coming after us.

sustainable mobilo components

for environ-mentally friendly fun

follow us on instagram and facebook

and become a mobilo fan

Because here you will get inspiration, further information about our range and all important new products as one of the first – or you can also post your most beautiful mobilo pictures.
instagram: plasticant_mobilo
facebook: plasticantmobilo

learning toys by plasticant mobilo®

Discover now!

learning for life in a playful way

easy | long-lasting | with much fun

plasticant mobilo® is a high-quality learning and construction toy that children, parents and educators in over 30 countries around the world have known and valued for decades.

our company

Modern technology combined with fine craftsmanship for optimal play fun for your children

plasticant mobilo GmbH | learn and construction toys | high quality made in Germany

Learn more about plasticant mobilo®


we take our responsibility seriously

for children, employees and for an intact environment

Get to know here our 12 contributions for a world where everyone can feel good.

plasticant mobilo GmbH | construction toys  | sustainable, fair, social

sustainable, fair & social

exactly what plasticant mobilo® is


There are many ways to get to know the plasticant mobilo® learning toys.

Our preferred choice is personal contact, eg.at a fair, where we can take our time and show you everything hands on.

This is how we can give our best.