FLOW advanced for scientific research groups in kindergarten & pre-school:
4-8 years
134 * components
134 * components
2 funnels with adjustable flow
and 4 mill wheels with 8 matching rotating parts
*two small wheels and one axle count as three components

1-4 children
mesh bag
mesh bag
1 construction manual
1 construction manual
A detailed construction manual for a mill and further construction suggestions will be found in the inside brochure, which serve as inspiration for curious engineers.
18 construction suggestions
18 construction suggestions
To inspire the young engineers, there are 18 model suggestions in the brochure inside.
1,4 kg
article no.
Indoors and outdoors, in the sandbox or in water – in a group or alone.
Playing in sand will always be the classic. Even more so when there is the plasticant mobilo® experimental set FLOW advanced, a learning toy that brings together high educational standards and great playing fun in common. The set FLOW advanced is ideal for research teams with up to four children.
It fulfils three wishes at once:
creative building fun, experimenting suitable for children and hours and hours of playing fun.
Tested quality made in Germany
the mobilo-FLOW-effect
experimentation | investigation | amazement | fascination
now bearer of the Fair Toys seal
because our concern for fair production has been officially certified
special aspects of the FLOW advanced
2 funnels with adjustable flow and 4 paddle wheels
They allow to build two sand mills contemporarily. Very clever kids can even build the mills one over the other. In this way, the research teams follow up exciting questions together: where is the sand flowing, how can I control all of this, why do the mill wheels turn fast at one time and slow at another? The children learn and experience independently and, in doing so, attain a feeling for physical relationships. Just as STEM pedagogy intends.
experimentation | investigation | amazement | fascination
Just start doing it!
The set FLOW advanced comes with a detailed construction plan. In following the plan step by step, the young engineers learn to understand quickly how this works.
In addition, there are 18 additional building proposals to inspire them as they get better. They motivate to use FLOW advanced to put their own creative ideas into practice. In the supplied mesh bag, the 134 pieces are stored conveniently after constructing and experimenting.
for INDOOR & OUTDOOR experiments
Outdoor play? Of course!
With these latest additions to the mobilo range – the flow-adjustable funnel and the spinning millwheels – children will experience a new world of possibilities.
This revolutionary addition to mobilo’s high-quality range unlocks children‘s natural desire to experiment. It develops their concentration and provides a fun and exciting way to discover the principles of the physical world for themselves.
New dimensions for playing, building and experimenting with sand!
FLOW advanced
the original
from the Black Forest
Children learn fastest when they are allowed first-hand experience. This idea, that is essential part of STEM pedagogy, is behind the plasticant mobilo® experimental sets too. With the aid of STEM, the ground is prepared early for basic competences in the fundamental disciplines maths, infotech, natural sciences and technology.
With the FLOW experimental sets, little tinkerers can live their urge to try things out, experiment and research to the full. With the 134 pieces, 2 hoppers and 4 mill wheels of the FLOW advanced set they can even form scientific research teams in the sandbox. To make the start a quick success, the children learn the basic functioning of the experimental sets with the detailed construction plan. Later on, the 18 building proposals motivate to put into practice one’s own creative construction ideas.
The plasticant mobilo® STEM toy has been awarded. The high educational value, durability and excellent quality "Made in Germany", educators all over the world appreciate it as a STEM based playing environment in nursery school, kindergarten and even in inclusion classes for children with disabilities.
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FLOW advanced range of products delighted!
high quality & high educational value
Trains concentration and attention
Recognizing shapes, colours and objects
Promotes fine and gross motor skills, creativity, concentration
Fosters cognition, three-dimensional thinking, technical understanding
Furthers understanding of quantities and numbers
High educational value, inspires fantasy
Highly appreciated by educators in nurseries all over the world
Fosters social behaviour and team spirit
Enhances the vocabulary
... and is incredibly fun

ECO learning toys made of
88% bio- and recycled plastics:

Tested quality, 100% made in Germany
Fair, clean and sustainable production
Quality STEM toys of high educational value
Certified according to worldwide standards
100% resistant to saliva, non-toxic and free of pollutants
Contains no phthalate, lead, cadmium or BPA
Expandable at will
Much appreciated in 30 countries
Easy to clean
Learning toys by plasticant mobilo®
Discover now!